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そんな北欧料理を代表するレストランであるMagnus Nilsson マグナス・ニルソン率いるFaviken Magasinet ファビケン・マガシネットが今年度いっぱいで閉店する事を発表した。

11年という長い月日をかけ、ミシュラン二ツ星、The World’s 50 Best Restaurantでも34位に選ばれるなど高い評価を得ているレストランが閉店するというのは多くのファンや同じ料理人にとって非常に衝撃的なニュースではないだろうか。



Fäviken to close at the end of the year. Dear Friends, With this note I would like to tell you that this coming season will be my last at Fäviken Magasinet. I have been the chef here for more than ten years now and it has been amazing. Unusually early in my career I was presented with the opportunity to develop and operate an ambitious restaurant in a way that most chefs can only dream about. I have had the chance to work alongside the best team I could have wished for, cooking for the most fantastic guests (mostly). Fäviken has been a project where I have enjoyed tremendous support from the Brummer family who are Fäviken’s owners and my business partners. I have been allowed to grow and develop, and I have enjoyed complete creative freedom. It has been a hard decision, but one that I believe is the right one. The evening of the 14th of December 2019 will be my last. I wanted to share this news now when the coming season is already fully booked, as to not motivate guests to come here just because of the news itself. I hope that my last half-year at Fäviken is going to be business as usual, and that the people come here to enjoy Fäviken and what we have to offer, not because it will end soon, but because it is a magnificent restaurant experience right now. We have truly never been better. When I am done here I am going to spend time with my family, reflect, fish, garden, write, rest and get fit, both physically and mentally. I am not going to lie, I am a little bit tired after all this time pushing the development of the restaurant forward. I would like to thank you all for coming here to work, eat, share, and to be a part of what Fäviken has been and will be for a while longer. I have given one interview on this matter, (with the LA Times) to provide a little bit more depth. For those who are interested, link in bio. To my friends out there working in media: I want to spend my last half-year at Fäviken enjoying my work in the restaurant, not talking about what has been and what is coming. I am very sorry for not making myself available for any more interviews at this time. I hope you understand. Thank you all! Magnus Nilsson

Magnus Nilssonさん(@magnusfaviken)がシェアした投稿 -







Fäviken’s last suppers: Magnus Nilsson to close his celebrated restaurant

